Upcoming Events:
Picture Day is Wednesday!!!
- 9/25-Great American Fundraiser Ends
- 9/26-Sappington Chipotle Night "Taco Tuesday!"
- 9/27-Picture Day
- 10/3-Papa John's Night
- 10/6-Custodian Appreciation Day
- 10/12-School Store
- 10/13-First Quarter Ends (Half Day; Half Records Day)
- 10/19-Tornado Drill at 10:30
- 10/20-Bingo Night at 6:30 PM (Gym)
- 10/23-Elementary Conferences (4:00-7:00 PM)
- 10/25-Elementary Conferences (4:00-7:00 PM)
- 10/27-No School (Conference Comp Day)
- 10/31-Halloween Parade at 10:15 and 1:15; Halloween Party at 10:40-11:40 and 1:45-2:45
End of the Quarter Assessments: The end of the quarter is fast approaching. Your child will be pulled for one on one, group, and small group assessment work starting this week. The end of the quarter is October 13th. I will use this data for report cards.
Sight Words: in am to Test on Friday
Homework is due on Friday! Please make sure to complete both the homework page and Spelling City.
Math: We are continuing to work on sorting by color, shape, size and number and will begin numbers 0-10 this week or early next.
English Language Arts: We are working on reading strategies such as Eagle Eye, Stretchy Snake and Lips the Fish. Please encourage your child to use these strategies when they bring home their Guided Reading books. I have examples of these strategies in use on my blog. We will be having a group lesson over Eagle Eye this week.
Field Trip:
Our next field trip will be Wednesday, October 18th. We will be going to Stuckmeyer's Farm for a hayride and a pumpkin. We will use the money collected for Eckert's to pay for the trip. We were unable to arrange another trip to Eckert's.
Field Trip:
Our next field trip will be Wednesday, October 18th. We will be going to Stuckmeyer's Farm for a hayride and a pumpkin. We will use the money collected for Eckert's to pay for the trip. We were unable to arrange another trip to Eckert's.
Have a great week!!!