I hope everyone had a fabulous Labor Day weekend. The weather was beautiful! We need to enjoy these last days of summer.
Here's a look at the week ahead.
Family Friday: Friday, September 8th. You and your child will enjoy reading stories together, listening to the announcements and spending a little time together. After the classroom experience you are welcome to join Dr. Parker in the cafeteria for a Principal's Chat.
AM: 8:30-9:00
PM: 12:20-12:50
Homework: Due on Friday
This is the first week of homework. I'm sending home your child's homework folder on Tuesday. Inside you will find the Spelling City Login information and September packet.
All Homework is due by Friday, September 9th.
Every student has a homework assignment to decorate their Leadership binder cover. I sent home the information on Curriculum night explaining the assignment. Please send this back to school by Thursday, September 14th.
Sight Words: Test on Friday
Every Friday your child will be asked to read the weekly sight words. For those students that are ready, I will notify you letting you know that your child will be asked to spell and read the weekly words each week.
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Letter of the Day: Gg, Hh, Ii
We will learn/practice letter formation, identification, sounds and sound spelling. Sound spelling is when we stretch out a word and write down the sounds we hear. When your child's paper comes home and you see a word that includes part of the conventional spelling, that usually indicates sound spelling has been happening.
Math: We are going to start our unit about Position Words. This unit is short, so we should be finished by Friday.
Writer's Workshop: We will be starting Unit 1: Narrative Writing. We will be writing stories about things that have happened in our lives. On Tuesday, students will take a pre-assessment to show their current writing level. Students will eventually be sound spelling independently during writing time. We will have writing time twice a week.
Field Trip: Eckert's, September 15th, 9:00-3:00
Permission slips and additional paperwork will be coming home this week. Please return in a timely manner so I can organize our trip and any student that needs bus transportation before or after the field trip. Your child will need to bring a disposable sack lunch and 2 disposable water bottles. Both AM and PM will be in SCHOOL ALL DAY. THIS IS AN ALL DAY FIELD TRIP FOR ALL KINDERGARTNERS!!!
Upcoming Dates:
9/5: SPTG Meeting 7:00
9/8 Kindergarten Family Day 8:30-9:00 and 12:20-12:50
9/11 Great American Fundraiser Kickoff
9/15 Eckert's Field Trip 9:00-3:00
9/13 Early Release AM 8:45-10:50 and PM 11:20-1:40
9/21 Grant's Farm Night
9/22 No School
9/26 Sappington Chipotle Night
9/27 Picture Day
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