Hello Parents! I hope everyone had a great weekend and had the opportunity to go outside and enjoy the weather. Don't forget Wednesday is Early Release.
AM: 8:45-10:50
PM: 11:30-1:40
Please comminicate any changes in transportation to me ASAP.
Here's a look at the week ahead....
Homework: Please complete packet and Spelling City. All homework is due on Friday. Again, any student that doesn't complete ALL homework will be missing Friday activities to catch up.
Sight/Spelling Words: DID ON UP PUT BUT MOM
Test is on Friday
Writer's Workshop: We've been working on the mechanics of a sentence. Many students are doing a great job getting their ideas down on paper, but are forgetting to space which is making their writing very difficult to read. When your child is writing at home, please be sure to hold them accountable for spacing and adding punctuation at the end of the sentence.
Math: We will be finishing up shapes and working on teen numbers. We will be learning how to read teen numbers on a ten frame and showing teen numbers in different ways, ie: pictures, tally marks, place value, numer word.
100th Day Celebration:
Don't forget that Friday is our 100th Day of Kindergarten! Please send your child to school with either their t-shirt or poster with 100 things on it. We will be sharing these with the class. It's going to be a fun day filled with doing things the "100 Way".
Also, your child will need a 100 day snack counted out ahead of time and put in a ziplock bag. We are also still collecting birthday party supplies. Thank you to all that have donated so far.