Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had the chance to enjoy time with friends and family over the holidays. The break was nice, but it was great seeing these smiling faces again last Thursday.
I would like to welcome 2 new students that started last week. In the AM class we have the pleasure of getting to know Olivia and in the PM Stephen. These are 2 great additions to our class. Our new class sizes are AM: 15 PM: 9
Here's a look at the week ahead:
Homework: January packet, sight word work and Spelling City
Just a reminder....any student that doesn't complete the assigned work by Friday will use class time to complete whatever wasn't completed.
Test on Friday
Students will be taking the test on Spelling City and will be reading all the sight words leading up to this point.
Word Family: AM Word Family
We will be learning about the word family AM. We will learn how by changing the beginning letter it changes the entire word. We will be doing a lot of word buidling and rhyming over the next 2 months.
Math: Shapes
We will be learning/reviewing the shapes: circle, triangle, rectangle, square and hexagon
Writing: Writing a story across the pages
Our focus will be to write a story that has a beginning, middle and end, that flows and stays on topic. We will start to use transition words when we writie and add details to make our stories more exciting and fun to read.
Our Stars of the Week:
AM: Kaiden
PM: Iza
I will be posting some pictures and videos of these students by the end of the week.
Upcoming Events:
1/11-School Store
1/12-Third Grade Family Friday (8:30-9:00); Principal's Chat (9:00-9:30)
1/15-No School-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
1/19-Movie Night--The Emoji Movie (Doors open at 5:30, Movie begins at 6:00)
1/23- Sappington P'sghetti's Night (3:00-8:00)
1/24-Early Release at 1:40
1/30-3rd & 4th Ability Awareness Day
1/12-Third Grade Family Friday (8:30-9:00); Principal's Chat (9:00-9:30)
1/15-No School-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
1/19-Movie Night--The Emoji Movie (Doors open at 5:30, Movie begins at 6:00)
1/23- Sappington P'sghetti's Night (3:00-8:00)
1/24-Early Release at 1:40
1/30-3rd & 4th Ability Awareness Day
Have a great week!!!
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