Reminder: Curriculum Night, Tuesday, August 30, 2017
I have a lot of information to share.
Blogger: You should of received an email confirming your address for blogger. Please accept to receive updates.
Homework will start next week. Here are the details. I will go over this with you at Curriculum Night.
- All students must go online and practice their sight words on the Spelling City website. I have included the information in your child's folder. I have an assignment waiting for them. Please go to, you will need your child's username and password. Once your logged in, your child's assignments will appear. I am able to check your child's progress at any time. ALL Spelling City assignments are due on FRIDAY unless noted otherwise. Your child will have a new assignment each week. DUE FRIDAY
- Practice weekly sight words in homework packet
- Weekly Reading Log
Binders: Please don't forget to send in a 1" binder for your child. All binders are due Friday, September 1st.
Here's a look at our week:
Letter of the Day: We will be learning about letters Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff. We will discuss sounds, sound spelling, formation and building the letter.
Math: We will work on position words.
Special Student: We will continue to learn about our new classmates.
Book of the Week: Chrysanthemum
We will read, discuss and learn some new vocabulary words. Many of our weekly lessons will revolve around this story.
Thank you to all of the parents that have donated items for our study of the alphabet. I really appreciate your support. :)
Upcoming Events:
- 8/29-Kindergarten & 5th Curriculum Night 6:30-7:30 PM
- 8/29-Papa John's Night
- 9/1-Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- 9/1-Deadline for Logo Wear
- 9/4-No School (Labor Day)
- 9/5-SPTG General Meeting at 7:00 PM (Sappington Library)
- 9/8-Kindergarten Family Friday (8:30-9:00 AM)
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